Here’s What To Do When You Get Your Oil From ✶Bossy Bruja✶
First of all, congratulations on your purchase! You have found someone who desires your absolute peace, success, and happiness.
That means that as we mix our majik, prayers, and intentions together - nothing will stand in our way. I pray for my clients the way I pray for myself. I strive continually to dream and think big and to stay open to greater possibilities.
So, when I pray over your oils (and candles, and washes, and anything else I have the joyful pleasure and high honor of preparing for others) I don’t hold back and pray for less. I am not afraid to get my hopes up because I know that hope is confident expectation and that hope empowers our spiritual work.
That said, when you receive your oils, I want you to take your time to add prayers of your own to your personal bottle, before use. I recommend writing a petition and adding it directly to your bottle of oil.
You may also wish to add some dried herbs to your bottle. Make sure the herbs you choose are dry, aligned with the intention, and proven to work for you.
Let’s say you get a bottle of a prosperity oil and you’ve had great success working with the plant basil which also supports prosperity (among other things). Then you are welcome to add some of this dried herb to your oil as well.
The reason the herbs you add must be dry is that if you leave wet/living plants in oil without straining them in about 48 hours, the oil may go bad. So, only add dry herbs that correspond/align with the intention of the oil which have also worked well for you in the past.
Please watch the video below at your convenience for more information. Thank you for shopping with me.