Using Trinity Oil


for higher learning, understanding, studying, assimilating massive amounts of information. Use to heighten your mind’s power, increase focus and concentration. Use when you want to begin studying the occult. 

Available sizes: 2oz, 4oz and 8oz

② Application:

  • Anoint your text books and school supplies

  • Anoint your temples before studying

  • Anoint your temples before taking a test (sent is most associated with your sense of smell, so if you will use this oil before studying and testing, it should support you in remembering with greater ease)

  • Work with this oil any time you’re studying or attempting to learn new information or skills especially if you tend to suffer from headaches, have a poor memory or if you’re attempting to assimilate a large amount of information in a short amount of time

  • Add to spiritual bath the night before a performance, presentation or test

  • Fix candles


- white for mental clarity or healing the head

- yellow for mental acuity

- blue for clear communication of thoughts and ideas

- blue, read and yellow to promote creative flow of thought (creativity)

- road opening candle to help you get mentally/creatively unblocked 

- peace candle to let go of worries

③ Book Recommendation:

Kybalion by Three Initiates 

④ Pair With:


⑤ Prayer

Are you ready for your private session with Bossy?


Using Uninterrupted Prosperity Oil


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