Using Bliss Oil
for joy and optimism. Use this oil to manifest happy conditions, gain relief from sadness, and lift your mood and soul.
Available sizes: 2oz, 4oz and 8 oz
② Application:
add oil to diffuser or drip it on lit charcoal disks to elevate the mood of a room, home or other sacred space
burn or diffuse oil on your ancestor altar as an offering to your ancestors or as you process grief related to death
add a drop of bliss oil to your laundry so that it’s majik gets into the fabric of your clothing —daily you will put on a shroud of joy instead of one of misery
add to your spiritual bath to elevate your vibration to joy and begin to attract more happy conditions, situations, people and relationships
anoint candles
- yellow for happiness, attracting friends and favorable conditions
- orange for creativity, joy and enjoyment of sensual pleasures
- green to heal the heart of sadness
- pink to draw more love and sweetness into your life
- white to alleviate sadness and experience childlike joy
anoint yourself daily until you start to feel happy consistently
③ Book Recommendation:
The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Abraham-Hicks
④ Pair With: