Using Crown +Root Oil
Image via Lisa Says Gah
For psychic work, third-eye opening, grounding and protection. Use to keep yourself safe, grounded, and protected while accessing the spirit and psychic realm. Use to protect yourself during astral travel, light work, shadow work, meditation, and dream work.
Available sizes: 2oz, 4oz and 8 oz
② Application:
anoint your third eye
anoint divination tools
anoint your temples before a reading
anoint your temples before going to bed at night to activate sight for vivid dreams
anoint your hands before divining (doing a reading for yourself or others)
anoint your temples before doing a vision quest, guided meditation or visualization
you can also activate your sigils for psychic development using this particular oil
meditate daily for a minimum of 20 minutes for best results
leave your oil on or under your ancestor altar or with your divination tools to keep the energy strong and keep the tools charged
add this oil to water or drip on to charcoal to create smoke and either wash your scrying tools or crystals with the solution or pass them through the smoke to consecrate and charge them
- black for psychic protection and gazing into the unknown
- white for mental peace and psychic clarity
- grey to enter the space between the worlds (liminal space) and see your reality here and in the tim-space-reality beyond
- indigo to activate the third eye and clairvoyance
③ Book Recommendation:
- The Complete Book of Psychic Empowerment: Tools & Techniques for Growth & Empowerment (Llewellyn's Complete Book)
④ Pair With: